Students can apply for Hathaway Scholarships within four (4) years of their high school graduation. Example: If a student were to attend a college/university out of state and/or a Religious mission, they could re-apply for Hathaway assistance during the application process to a Wyoming college/university.
Check with each individual college/university about how Hathaway scholarships are administered concerning tuition, room & board, books, etc.
Seniors must fill out the Hathaway appplication at the college(s) attending when applying for admission; have their final transcripts sent to college(s) upon high school graduation. Those requests will be filled by Mrs. Mayland, Registar. Students are to express where they would like final transcripts sent on their Senior Exit Survey given in late-May.
Honors Scholarship - $1,680 / semester ($3,360.00 / year)
Four (4) credits in Language Arts
Four (4) credits in Mathematics; including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Four (4) credits in Science (all science offerings at WHS qualify)
Three (3) credits in Social Studies; including World History; United States History; Government
Four (4) credits in Foreign Language*
Four (4) credits in Fine Arts*
Four (4) credits in Career/Vocational*
*2 of the 4 years must be sequenced
ACT COMP score = 25
Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.5000
Max award amount: 8 full-time semesters; may be used at a WY community college or UW
Performance Scholarship - $1,260 / semester ($2,520.00 / year)
Four (4) credits in Language Arts
Four (4) credits in Mathematics; including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Four (4) credits in Science (all science offerings at WHS qualify)
Three (3) credits in Social Studies; including World History; United States History; Government
Four (4) credits in Foreign Language*
Four (4) credits in Fine Arts*
Four (4) credits in Career/Vocational*
*2 of the 4 years must be sequenced
ACT COMP score = 21
Cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0000
Max award amount: 8 full-time semesters; may be used at a WY community college or UW
Opportunity Scholarship - $ 840.00 / semester ($1,680.00 / year)
Four (4) credits in Language Arts
Four (4) credits in Mathematics; including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Four (4) credits in Science (all science offerings at WHS qualify)
Three (3) credits in Social Studies; including World History; United States History; Government
Two (2) credits in Foreign Language*
Two (2) credits in Fine Arts
Two (2) credits in Career/Vocational
*must be sequenced
ACT COMP score = 19
Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5000
Max award amount: 8 full-time semesters; may be used at a WY community college or UW
Provisional Opportunity Scholarship - $ 840.00 / semester ($1,680.00 / year)
Current HS graduation requirements.
At least 2 of these courses: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry
Two (2) credits in Foreign Language*
Two (2) credits in Fine Arts
Two (2) credits in Career/Vocational
*must be sequenced
ACT COMP score = 17
OR score a 12 on WorkKeys
Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5000
Max award amount: 4 full-time semesters. Students with a certificate can extend for an additional 4 full-time semesters at a community college. Students with an associate’s degree can extend for an additional 4 full-time semesters at UW.
Must start at a WY community College
A completed FAFSA form is required to determine eligibility. For Performance, Opportunity, and Provisional Opportunity scholarship levels, the amount awarded will be 25% of the annual unmet need up to $1,575 annually. Honor level recipients will be awarded 100% of unmet need.